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Data labeling As A Service
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Generate Fully LABELED Synthetic Data
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Expert data labeling on demand

Medical professionals

edgecase has teamed up with a variety of hospitals and medical institutions to provide radiologists, geneticists and other healthcare professionals AI-powered medical imaging solutions. MD's on Demand
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Agricultural specialists

edgecase has teamed up with a variety of agricultural institutions to provide expert level services in disease detection, insect identification, and more. Agriculture Experts on Demand
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Our team of experts are available for a variety of other areas of highly accurate data labeling such as:
Robotics, Retail, Security, Drones, Manufacturing, Veterinarians and more
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The A.I. Synthetic Data Simulator:

Data modeled after reality to train AI systems

Synthetic / Simulated Data are images and videos created to mirror the real world. Anything from the objects of a scene, to the weather, background, even camera placement and actions can be changed.

This allows for the automatic creation of millions of training images all ready set for A.I. training algorithms.

Using the edgecase Data Platform creating data sets is as easy as clicking a button and generating data.
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Satellites/ Drones & Mapping

houses + pools


Assault Rifle


Lungs -> Cancer



Industry 4.0 ; Robotics


Edgecase established

3+ million

Images generated and more every day


Hours of work saved


Global offices

Advantages of simulated data


Using the Edgecase Platform your A.I. team can easily create 100k labeled images in less than a single day


As the data is generated from 3D models and Real life blended imagery the data is accurate to the finest pixel. No more worry about data accuracy


Each model and camera angle can be modified - it's at the tip of your fingers to change: Lighting, Textures, Camera Angles, Scene types and more

Yours to control

All accessible via the cloud - your A.I. team can create their own datasets via your existing data and our robust library of available 3d hyper-realistic models.

Some of our clients & partners

Our Blog

How AI and predictive analytics are improving healthcare

March 23, 2021

The ability to accurately diagnose, predict patterns and trajectories of diseases in patients is one of the most important aspects of effective healthcare. The early detection of symptoms can help health professionals to administer the correct treatment, take preventive measures and assess the overall condition of the affected person. With the growing use of AI and predictive analytics in the medical field, clinicians have been able to develop and test intelligent tools that can help with the swift identification of illnesses by learning patient information, medical records and real time images.

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AI is helping doctors with remote training

March 23, 2021

Workers from all fields have been affected by the distancing policies that followed the COVID-19 pandemic. Some slowed their work pace, others had to stop their production, and a few of them introduced new alternatives to continue their duties respecting the new safety rules. Physicians have come up with countless solutions to fulfill their responsibilities during these difficult times, both to keep treating their patients and find new ways to stop the coronavirus from continuing its course. But doctors also need to be constantly training in order to keep up with the ever changing world of medicine, where new techniques are approved everyday, and this has proven to be a problem in the current state of the world.

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How COVID-19 accelerated AI adoption in healthcare

March 23, 2021

The need to distance ourselves due to the COVID-19 pandemic that hit us at the beginning of this year has made experts from the healthcare industry come up with new solutions to accelerate the field and find treatment options for the disease while maintaining the mandatory social distancing rules. Artificial intelligence has been around in medicine for a while now, playing small roles helping with administrative tasks and some other parts of the field. But bigger and better softwares have just recently started launching, thanks to the growing need of clinicians to treat more people in less time, and with better results.

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Niv Shochat
 18 Shipyard Dr Suite 2A-50
Hingham, MA 02043