How COVID-19 accelerated AI adoption in healthcare

March 23, 2021

The need to distance ourselves due to the COVID-19 pandemic that hit us at the beginning of this year has made experts from the healthcare industry come up with new solutions to accelerate the field and find treatment options for the disease while maintaining the mandatory social distancing rules.

Artificial intelligence has been around in medicine for a while now, playing small roles helping with administrative tasks and some other parts of the field. But bigger and better softwares have just recently started launching, thanks to the growing need of clinicians to treat more people in less time, and with better results.

How is AI helping with the pandemic

Intelligent systems have the ability to learn from past records and bring new insights to doctors and people working in hospitals. Several new projects have seen the light this year, and many more are being developed right now to continue fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and its outcomes.

Among the AI that have been most useful this year to both fight the coronavirus and improve the overall healthcare system we have softwares that can keep track of how many people have been affected by the disease in certain areas, machines that can check on sick patients without the presence of human doctors, and many other intelligent systems that have improved the industry tremendously.

Dr. Mohammed Yaqub, assistant professor at the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, shared his opinion on the matter:

“AI has come to the fore in 2020 due to its successful application in combating the spread of the novel coronavirus [...] From research into vaccines to faster diagnoses, AI-based technologies have elevated the healthcare, scientific and research sectors by providing new tools to augment current capabilities. This is not just helping in the fight against Covid-19, but also accelerating solutions in current and future healthcare problems.”

The future of healthcare with AI

2021 promises to continue bringing new projects that will expand the field and make the healthcare industry more prepared for future events. We can expect many other aspects of medicine to be improved by this technology, and help not only with the COVID-19 pandemic, but also with other conditions that are currently affecting the world.

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